September - October 2008
September - October 2008, Vol 39 no 5
Title Page number(s)
Famous mineral localities: The Königskrone topaz mine, Schneckenstein, Saxony, Germany
Helmut Leithner
355- 367
Olmiite and poldervaartite from the Kalahari manganese field, Northern Cape Province, Republic of South Africa
Renato Pagano, Alessandro Guastoni, Federico Pezzotta
373- 381
An appraisal of Haüy's wooden crystal models
Wim Saeijs
385- 396
Hubert de Monmonier (1919-2007) and his mineral collection
Wendell E. Wilson, Marcus Origlieri
397- 405
About mineral collecting-- Part 2 of 5
Rock H. Currier
409- 418
Notes from the Editors
Martian water?
Wendell E. Wilson
Mineral-of-the-Month club
Wendell E. Wilson, Thomas P. Moore
K.C. Pandey honored
Wendell E. Wilson
348- 349
New book! (Tindle, Minerals of Britain and Ireland)
Wendell E. Wilson, Thomas P. Moore
Obituary: Marvin Rausch, 77
Gene Schlepp, Jackie Schlepp
349- 350
Obituary: Michael P. Cooper, 61
Christopher J. Stanley
350- 351