July - August 2000
July - August 2000
Title Page number(s)
Juanitaite, a New Mineral from Gold Hill, Utah
George R. Rossman, William S. Wise, Anthony R. Kampf
301- 305
Orpiment from the Twin Creeks Mine, Humboldt County, Nevada
Bryan K. Lees
311- 322, 331
The Purple Passion Mine, Yavapai County, Arizona
Bill Gardner, Ed Davis
323- 331
Chromian Dawsonite and Chromian Alumohydrocalcite from Orestimba Creek, Stanislaus County, California
Gail E. Dunning
333- 338
Brookite from Hale Creek, Trinity County, California
Joseph F. Cooper, Jr., Gail E. Dunning
341- 343
Brookite and Anatase from near Georgetown, El Dorado County, California
Ted A. Hadley
345- 348
Notes From the Editor
Died, Arthur Montgomery, 90
Wendell E. Wilson
298- 299
Book Reviews (Department)
Minerales de España by Joaquim Mollfulleda Borrell
Wendell E. Wilson
Bibliografía Fundamental de la Antigua Mineralogía y Mineria Españolas by Miguel Calvo Rebollar
Wendell E. Wilson
353- 354
Långban, the Mines, their Minerals, Geology and Explorers by Dan Holtstam and Jörgen Langhof (editors)
Wendell E. Wilson
La Mine de Fluorine de Valzergues, Aveyron by Etienne Guillou-Gotkovsky
Wendell E. Wilson
354- 355
La Minéralogie du Dauphiné by Jean-Etienne Guettard
Wendell E. Wilson
The Desmond Sacco Collection; Focus on Southern Africa by Bruce Cairncross
Wendell E. Wilson
355- 356
The Photo-Atlas of Minerals CD by the Gem and Mineral Council, LA County Museum of Natural History
Bob Keller
356- 357
Photographic Guide to Mineral Species CD by Excalibur Mineral Company
Wendell E. Wilson
Gold: Nuggets of Russia by Lyudmila S. Sher
Wendell E. Wilson
Abstracts of New Mineral Descriptions (Department)
Joseph A. Mandarino
363- 372