March - April 1994
March - April 1994
Title Page number(s)
Quasicrystals: Novel Forms of Solid Matter
John A. Jaszczak
85- 93
A Complex Base-Metal Assemblage from the Sterling Mine, New Jersey
Robert E. Jenkins II, Steven C. Misiur
95- 102, 104
Famous Mineral Localities: The French Creek Mine, St. Peters, Chester County, Pennsylvania
Ronald A. Sloto, Lana L. Dickinson
105- 120
Famous Mineral Localities: The Burra Burra Mine, Burra, South Australia
Allan Pring, Ben Grguric, Greg Drew
121- 129
Saddle-Shaped Rhodochrosite Crystals from the Foote Mine, North Carolina
John Sampson White
Plumboan Crichtonite from the Fazenda Guariba, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Eugene E. Foord, Mario Luiz da Sa C. Chaves, Frederick E. Lichte
133- 135
Guest Editorial
Collections & The Information Age
Joe Nagel
82- 83
Notes From the Editor
Founder forms consulting partnership
Wendell E. Wilson
Back issue sets
Wendell E. Wilson
Letter From Europe (Column)
The Munich Show 1993
Michael P. Cooper
137- 141
Letters (Department)
143- 145
Book Reviews (Department)
Antero Aquamarines by Mark I. Jacobson
Daniel E. Kile