January - February 1994
Not in print
January - February 1994
Native Gold from the Jamestown Mine, Tuolumne County, California
Wayne C. Leicht, Genne Myers Nelson
7- 14
The Horcajo Mines, Ciudad Real Province, Spain
Borja Sainz de Baranda
21- 27
Some Pegmatite Minerals from the Zomba District, Malawi
Ole V. Petersen, Marcus Grossmann
29- 35, 38
Further Notes on the History of Phosgenite and Matlockite from Matlock, England
Peter S. Burr
39- 41
Adularia from the Howard-Montgomery Quarry, Howard County, Maryland
John Sampson White
53- 54
Abstracts of the 15th Annual FM-TGMS-MSA Mineralogical Symposium: Silver
69- 76
Notes From the Editor
Blanchard closes
Wendell E. Wilson
Antiquarian reprints
Wendell E. Wilson
Excalibur purchases Cureton Co.
Wendell E. Wilson
Died, Sakurai Kinichi, 80
Abraham Rosenzweig
Letter From Europe (Column)
The British Scene
Michael P. Cooper
43- 46
Paris Show
Michael P. Cooper
46- 47
Saint-Marie-aux-Mines Show
Michael P. Cooper
47- 50
What's New in Minerals? (Department)
Springfield Show
Thomas P. Moore
57- 58
Denver Show
Thomas P. Moore
59- 63
Letters (Department)
67- 68, 77