September - October 1993
September - October 1993
Title Page number(s)
History and Minerals of The Geysers, Sonoma County, California
Joseph F. Cooper, Jr., Gail E. Dunning
339- 352, 354
Mineralogy of the Sanford Vesuvianite Deposit [Maine]
Duane L. Leavitt, Nancy J. Leavitt
359- 364
Recent Discoveries from the Wessels Mine, South Africa
Bruce Cairncross, Jens Gutzmer
365- 368
The Parker Mine, Notre Dame Du Laus, Quebec
Jerry Van Velthuizen
369- 373
Drawing Microminerals
Garry Glenn, Robert W. Fisher
375- 378
The Second List of Additions and Corrections to the Glossary of Mineral Species, 6th Edition (1991)
Michael Fleischer, Joseph A. Mandarino
403- 406
Notes From the Editor
Back issue facsimiles
Wendell E. Wilson
What's New in Minerals? (Department)
Annual World Summary of Mineral Discoveries, April 1992 through April 1993
Vandall T. King, George W. Robinson
381- 394
Costa Mesa Show
Robert W. Jones, Jeffrey A. Scovil
394- 395
Book Reviews (Department)
The Complete Book of Micromounting by Quintin Wight
Joel E. Arem
398- 399
L'Alpe Devero ed i Suoi Minerali by Claudio Albertini
Carlo M. Gramaccioli
3 German titles reviewed by Michael O'Donoghue
Letters (Department)
400- 401