November - December 1989
November - December 1989, Vol 20 no 6
Title Page number(s)
Great Pockets: The "Bridal Chamber," Lake Valley, New Mexico
Robert W. Eveleth
421- 425
Stibnites of the Stayton District, Hollister, California
Joseph F. Cooper, Jr., Gail E. Dunning
427- 438
"Pseudoleucite" pseudomorphs from Rio das Ostras, Brazil
Jacques P. Cassedanne, S. de O. Menezes
439- 440
The Highland Bell Mine, Beaverdell, British Columbia
Allen Ingelson, R. Mussieux
441- 446
The Blue Ball Mine, Gila County, Arizona
Raymond W. Grant
447- 450
Pyrite Crystals from Soria and La Rioja Provinces, Spain
Miguel Calvo, Emilia Sevillano
451- 456
On Right Angle Bends in Filiform Pyrite
Carl A. Francis, William A. Henderson, Jr.
457- 464
Pyrophyllite from Ibitiara, Brazil
Jacques P. Cassedanne
465- 467
An Occurrence of Orpiment at the Carlin Gold Mine, Nevada
Joseph C. Rota
469- 471
Pint's Quarry, Black Hawk County, Iowa
Rick Stinchfield, Wayne Anderson
473- 479
Guest Editorial
On the Role of Museums and the Amateur Mineralogist
Roy Starkey
418- 419
Notes From the Editor
Korean mineral stamps
Wendell E. Wilson
Calcite collectors
Wendell E. Wilson
Checklist for authors
Wendell E. Wilson
Died, John Whitmire, 62
Gene Schlepp, Jackie Schlepp
What's New in Minerals? (Department)
Springfield Show 1989
Wendell E. Wilson
Notes From Europe (Column)
Bad Ems, Ste.-Marie and Rheinland-Pfalz Shows 1989
Thomas P. Moore
483- 486
Friends of Mineralogy (Department)
Marcelle Weber
Letters (Department)
Book Reviews (Department)
Idaho Minerals by Lanny R. Ream
Wendell E. Wilson
Gold Fever by Kenneth J. Kutz
Wendell E. Wilson
The Mathematical Practitioners of Hanoverian England 1714-1840 by E.G.R. Taylor
Wendell E. Wilson
The Metalliferous Mining Region of South-West England by H.G. Dines
Michael O'Donoghue
489- 490
Quarz: Die Eigenheiten von Bergkristall, Rauchquarz, Amethyst und anderen Varietäten by Rudolf Rykart
Michael O'Donoghue
Books From Europe
Michael O'Donoghue
Index to Volume Twenty (1989)
510- 511