September - October 1987
September - October 1987, Vol 18 no 5
Title Page number(s)
The Peking Geological Museum, China
Peter Bancroft, Huang Zhengzhi, Wang Furui
325- 332
The Colorful Vanadium Minerals: a Brief Review and a New Classification
John Sampson White, Howard T. Evans, Jr.
333- 340
Inesite from the Hale Creek Mine, Trinity County, California
Joseph F. Cooper, Jr., Gail E. Dunning
341- 347
Notes From the Editor
Mineralogical Record to publish Tucson Show catalog!
Wendell E. Wilson
Curatorial appointments: Joel A. Bartsch and Jennings (Beau) Gordon
Wendell E. Wilson
Classification update
Wendell E. Wilson
Notes From Germany (Column)
Bad Ems Show 1987
Thomas P. Moore
355- 357
What's New in Minerals? (Department)
Rochester Symposium 1987
Sharon Cisneros
Fourteenth Annual RAS Mineralogical Symposium-- What's New in Minerals?
Vandall T. King, George W. Robinson
359- 368
Historical Notes on Mineralogy
Lawrence H. Conklin
369- 372
Letters (Department)
375- 376