November - December 1986
November - December 1986, vol 17 no 6
Title Page number(s)
Famous Mineral Localities: Bleiberg, Carinthia, Austria
Gerhard Niedermayr
355- 369
Brochantite and Other Minerals from the Paoli, Oklahoma Area
Joseph Lobell
371- 374
Curved Jamesonite Crystals from Romania
Virgil Ghiurca, Adrian Motiu
375- 376
Natrolite Arches from Simmon's Bay, Australia
William A. Henderson, Jr., Carol M. Garland
377- 379
Arsenopyrite from the Kilpatrick Mine, Madoc, Ontario
Garry Glenn
381- 382
Cuprocassiterite Discredited as Mushistonite; And an Unnamed Tin Mineral from the Etta Mine [South Dakota]
Willard L. Roberts, Pete J. Dunn
An Author's Guide to Writing Locality Articles for the Mineralogical Record
Wendell E. Wilson
393- 400
History of a Traprock Silver
Richard Hauck
407- 408
Notes From the Editor
For stamp collectors
Wendell E. Wilson
New Glossary coming!
Wendell E. Wilson
Goldschmidt Atlas and Minerals in China sold out
Wendell E. Wilson
Foreign rate increase
Wendell E. Wilson
354, 374
Tennis tournament & party
Wendell E. Wilson
Notes From Germany (Column)
St.-Marie-aux-Mines Show, 1986
Thomas P. Moore
389- 392
What's New in Minerals? (Department)
Rowley Mine
Wendell E. Wilson
404- 405
Amethyst Twin
Wendell E. Wilson
405- 406
Brazilian Tourmaline
Wendell E. Wilson