July - August 2019
July - August 2019, Vol 50 no 4
Title Page number(s)
The Auglaize quarry, Paulding County, Ohio
John C. Medici, Ken Bladh
399- 427
Fluorite find in the valley of the Fiescher Glacier, Oberwallis Region, Switzerland
Jacques Grandjean
431- 437
Faden quartz from Bierghes, Brabant, Belgium
Harjo Neutkens, Stijn Claeys, Tom Costes
441- 456
Johannes Kentmann (1518-1574) and his mineral collection
Wendell E. Wilson
461- 470
The mineral collection of the Johannesburg Geological Museum
Bruce Cairncross, Katherine James-Kleynhans
475- 490
Notes from the Editors
Died, C.Carter Rich, 83
Wendell E. Wilson
Died, Norm Radford, 85
Wendell E. Wilson
387- 388
Died, Brad van Scriver, 87
Wendell E. Wilson
388- 389
Book Reviews
Minerals of the English Midlandsby Roy E. Starkey
Thomas P. Moore
497- 498
Minerales y Minas de España, Volume 9, Silicatos, by Miguel Calvo Rebollar
Benjamín Calvo
498- 499