May - June 2003
May - June 2003, Vol 34 no 3
Title Page number(s)
Famous Mineral Localities: The Bishop Copper Prospect near Lynch Station, Campbell County, Virginia
Henry Barwood
215- 222
"The father of Bolivian geology," Friedrich (Federico) Ahlfeld (1892-1982)
Stewart D. Redwood
225- 233
Goldquarryite, a New Cd-Bearing Phosphate Mineral from the Gold Quarry Mine, Eureka County, Nevada
Eugene E. Foord, Martin Jensen, Andrew C. Roberts, Robert A. Gault, Frank C. Hawthorne, Mark A. Cooper
237- 240
Peruvian Minerals: An Update [Peru]
Jaroslav Hyrsl, Zolina Rosales
241- 254
Record-Keeping for Mineral Collectors
Wendell E. Wilson
210- 212
Abstracts of New Mineral Descriptions (Department)
Joseph A. Mandarino
265- 272
What's New in Minerals (Department)
Carnegie Show 2002
Jeffrey A. Scovil
Tucson Show 2003
Thomas P. Moore
275- 285