May - June 1996
May - June 1996, Vol 27 no 3
Title Page number(s)
The Boulby Mine, Cleveland County, England
David I. Green, Max D. Freier
163- 170
Occurrence of Barian Celestine at the Elmwood Zinc Deposit, Smith County, Tennessee
Martin Jensen
171- 173
Famous Mineral Localities: The Picos De Europa Lead-Zinc Deposits, Spain
Borja Sainz de Baranda , Gonzalo Garcia Garcia
177- 188
Orthoserpierite from the Copper Creek District, Pinal County, Arizona
David M. Shannon
189- 190
Johann Georg Lenz and his Mustertafeln (1794)
Wendell E. Wilson
191- 195
Unusually Shaped Quartz Aggregates from Tirniauz, Russia
Rainer Bode, Lutz Nasdala, Igor V. Pekov
205- 206, 223
Notes From the Editor
Mineral cases
Wendell E. Wilson
Hang onto your books issue!
Wendell E. Wilson
New award established
Wendell E. Wilson
New service for advertisers
Wendell E. Wilson
Wendell E. Wilson
Abstracts of New Mineral Descriptions (Department)
Joseph A. Mandarino
201- 204
What's New in Minerals (Department)
Swedish Minerals and Mineral Shows 1995
Michael P. Cooper
207- 212
Ste.-Marie-aux-Mines Show 1995
Michael P. Cooper
212- 213
Tucson Show 1996
Thomas P. Moore
213- 223
Book Reviews (Department)
Minerals of South Africa by Bruce Cairncross and Roger Dixon
Wendell E. Wilson
Mineralogy of Maine, Vol.1: Descriptive Mineralogy by Vandall T. King and Eugene E. Foord
Wendell E. Wilson
225- 226
Franklin and Sterling Hill, New Jersey: The World's Most Magnificent Mineral Deposits by Pete J. Dunn
Wendell E. Wilson
Mineral Stories (Column)
The Lepidolite Boulder
Rolf Luetcke
Wildlife in the Mines
Rolf Luetcke
227- 228
The Artistic Eye
Lawrence H. Conklin
Letters (Department)
233, 238