May - June 1995
May - June 1995, Vol 26 no 3
Title Page number(s)
Famous Mineral Localities: The Kipushi Mine, Zaire
Joseph J. Lhoest
163- 192
The Bolivian Death Switch
Rock H. Currier
195- 200
Microminerals (Column)
Inhibited Growth of Crystals
William A. Henderson, Jr.
201- 203
Friends of Mineralogy (Department)
Activities Around the Country
Marcelle Weber
211- 212
What's New in Minerals? (Department)
Tucson Show 1995
Thomas P. Moore
215- 230
Book Reviews (Department)
Meisterwerke Sächsischer Minerale by Eberhard Equit
Wendell E. Wilson
231- 232
Minerals; an Illustrated Exploration of the Dynamic World of Minerals and Their Properties by George W. Robinson
William A. Henderson, Jr.
Amethyst by Werner Lieber
Quintin Wight
232- 233
Mineralien und Fundstellen Deutschland Part II, by Rainer Haake, Siegfried Flach and Rainer Bode
Michael O'Donoghue
Humboldt's Travels in Siberia (1837-1842); The Gemstones by Gustav Rose
Wendell E. Wilson
233- 234
MINLOG mineral collection cataloging software, by Beaver Software Development
Peter B. Leavens
234- 235
Les anciennes mines de Padern-Montgaillard (Aude): Geologie, Histoire et Mineralogie by Deliens, Berbain & Favreau
Quintin Wight
235- 236
Los minerales y la minería de la Sierra Albarrana y su entorno by Perez, Tánago Chanrai & Tánago y del Rio
Juan R. Párraga
Mineral & Erz in den Hohen Tauern, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien
Michael O'Donoghue
Die Mineralien und Erzlagerstätten Osterreichs by Exel Reinhard
Michael O'Donoghue
Die Mineralien von Hagendorf und ihre Bestimmung by J. Kastning and J. Schlüter
Michael O'Donoghue
236- 237