March - April 1981
March - April 1981, Vol 12 no 2
Title Page number(s)
Minerals of the Lavra do Enio pegmatite & The Urubu pegmatite and vicinity
Jacques P. Cassedanne, Jeannine O. Cassedanne
67- 77
Water-clear barite from Muddy Creek, Colorado
Henry A. Truebe
79- 80
The secondary tungsten minerals, a review
Th. G. Sahama
81- 87
Lyman House Memorial Museum, Hilo, Hawaii
John Sampson White
89- 91
Minerals of the Wausau Pluton
Alexander U. Falster
93- 97
The Rock Candy mine, British Columbia
Joe Nagel
99- 101
Hexoctahedral fluorite crystals from Old Chelsea, Quebec
Joel D. Grice
103- 104
William A. Henderson, Jr.
105- 111
The historical record
Ronald E. Bentley
113- 115
What's new in minerals?
The Northwest Symposium
Barbara Muntyan
Flux mine cerussite
David M. Shannon
117- 118
Weldon mine barite
Michael Shannon
The Record Bookshelf
Gill's Index to Journals, Articles and Books Relating to Gems and Jewelry, by Joseph O. Gill
Wendell E. Wilson
Inventaire Mineralogique de la France no. 9:56--Morbihan, by R. Pierrot, L. Chauris, C. LaForet and F. Pillard
Wendell E. Wilson