January - February 1980
January - February 1980, Vol 11 no 1
Title Page number(s)
Toxic Minerals
John H. Puffer
5- 11
Magnesioaxinite from Luning, Nevada, and some Nomenclature Designations for the Axinite Group
Peter B. Leavens, Pete J. Dunn, Cynthia Barnes
13- 15
Memoirs of a Mineral Collector, Part III
Fred W. Cassirer
17- 21
An Occurrence of Barite at Hartsel, Colorado
Donald R. Belsher, Charles E. Baldwin
23- 25
Notes From the Editor
The Record moves to Tucson!
Wendell E. Wilson
Looking back on a decade
Wendell E. Wilson
Letter From Europe (Column)
Bob Sullivan
27- 30
Mineralogical Notes (Department)
Carbonate-Fluorapatite from near Fairfield, Utah
Pete J. Dunn
33- 34
Inesite, a New U.S. Occurrence near Creede, Mineral County, Colorado
Richard E. Van Loenen
35- 36
The Humbolt Pillar
Henry A. Truebe
Conichalcite, Cuprian Austinite, and Plumbian Conichalcite from La Plata County, Colorado
Eugene E. Foord, Joseph E. Taggart, Jr.
37- 38
Three Copper Sulfates from Colorado
Robert Cobban
Metamict Minerals at the Bemco Mine near Cranberry Lake, New Jersey
Andreas H. Vassiliou
News from the AMNH [American Museum of Natural History]
Joseph J. Peters, George E. Harlow
Microminerals (Column)
William A. Henderson, Jr.
43- 46
The Record Bookshelf (Department)
The Mineralogy of Pennsylvania 1966-1975 by Robert C. Smith II
Robert Middleton
Manual of the Mineralogy of Great Britain and Ireland by Robert P. Greg and William G. Lettsom
John Sinkankas
Minerals of Georgia (Their Properties and Occurrences) by Robert B. Cook
John Sampson White
49- 50
Mineralogische Tabellen by Hugo Strunz
Pete J. Dunn
Menschen, Minen und Mineralien by Werner Lieber
Paul Seel
Molecular and Crystal Structure Models by Anne Walton
Pete J. Dunn
Rock-Forming Minerals, Volume 2A, Single-Chain Silicates, by W.A. Deer, R.A. Howie and J. Zussman
Pete J. Dunn
50- 51
Letters to the Editor (Department)
53- 56
Friends of Mineralogy (Department)
Final Report of the FM Ad Hoc Committee on Locality Preservation
Mike Groben, Carl A. Francis, Peter J. Modreski
57- 58
What's New in Minerals? (Department)
Detroit Show 1979
Wendell E. Wilson
59- 61