January - February 1978
January - February 1978, Vol 9 no 1
Title Page number(s)
The Collector's Library
Wendell E. Wilson
5- 13
Epitaxial Wodginite and Cassiterite from Lavra Jabuti, Baixio, Galilea, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Richard V. Gaines, Pete J. Dunn, Carlos do Prado Barbosa, C. Wroe Wolfe
14- 18
Zinc Phosphates at Reaphook Hill, South Australia
Christopher W. Johnston, Roderick J. Hill
20- 24
Natrolite and Associated Secondary Minerals at the Chimney Rock Quarry, Bound Brook, New Jersey
Roger Sassen
25- 31
Guest Editorial
Tunnel-Vision in Mineral Collecting
Pete J. Dunn
Notes From the Editor
Wendell E. Wilson
Microminerals (Column)
Violet Anderson
32- 34
What's New in Minerals? (Department)
Detroit Show 1977
Wendell E. Wilson
36- 38
The Mineralogical Record Slide Competition
Wendell E. Wilson
Abstracts (Department)
39- 40
Interesting Papers in Other Journals
Pete J. Dunn
Mineralogical Notes (Department)
Tsumeb Notes
43- 45
The Historical Record (Column)
Ronald E. Bentley
49- 50
Bob Sullivan's Letter From Europe (Column)
Bob Sullivan
56- 58
Letters to the Editor (Department)
61- 62