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The Eureka! Supplement, given originally as a gift to Mineralogical Record subscribers along with their copies of the May-June 2022 issue, is unlike any previous Mineralogical Record supplement in that its exclusive focus is self-collected specimens. In 400+ pages the supplement records the thrilling Eureka! experiences of more than 100 collectors from all over the world, with photos of some of the finest specimens they have dug from old and new workings of quarries and underground mines, in mine dumps, lonely fields, and remote outcrops, and wherever else their quests for minerals “in the raw” have led them. Entertaining stories about field-collecting adventures accompany more than 1000 photos of specimens, together, in many cases, with shots of the collectors’ own grinning, mud-covered selves excitedly holding out in their hands their newly extracted treasures. The Supplement as a whole is a proof and collective memory of the unique sort of joy which comes with digging one’s specimens for one’s very own self.
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